Intentional Personal Prayer Time

It is often easy to underestimate the impact of your music preference on your lifestyle. Why is this? Just like sermons, you can key into the divine nature of a song. Why do you think, in a Bible-teaching church, only certain songs can be used during worship sessions? This is because there are spiritual impacts embedded in those songs. This blog post is a prayer guide that was inspired by praying in tongues (an unknown heavenly language) while listening to spirit-filled songs. If you are unfamiliar with the gifts of tongues, we highly recommend checking out our blog post titled, The Gifts of The Holy Spirit: Understanding The Gifts of Tongues.

You can choose to use this prayer guide however you feel led by the Holy Spirit to use it. For those who would find it helpful, we recommend a pathway that will require anywhere between 16-36 minutes or more, depending on how long it takes to pray with both the guide and the recommended song. This is how it works: we will provide you with a prayer and a song title to guide your prayer. You can choose to pray each prayer, with or without the song listed. The key here is to trust the leading of the Holy Spirit as He guides you through this personal prayer session. The listed songs are just suggestions; you can listen to your own songs if you prefer to do that. Whether you are able to find a quiet place or you use headphones, the key here is to shut out external distractions and focus on cultivating an intentional prayer life.

If you find it super helpful, we have created a Spotify playlist for the songs listed in this blog post: Intentional Personal Prayer Time. You can filter the list by recently added, and it should have them in the right order for this blog post. If you use other platforms, you can easily create a playlist yourself. This prayer method requires a lot of patience on your part as you wait on the Holy Spirit to guide you through the prayer guide. See this as an open invitation to the Holy Spirit to intercede on your behalf. The Spirit of God is always faithful, and He is delighted to always move through messages and songs that seek His presence and glorify God. We pray that as you prayerfully seek the presence of God, He will reveal Himself to you and keep your heart on fire for him. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Prayer 1: Yearning for God

I want to see you by Victoria Orenze

Dear God, I am here this day. I am here for you. I am here to see your face. I am not here for blessings. I am not here to sign an attendance sheet. Neither am I here for religious rituals. I am here so that I may experience you. I want to see you just the way you are. I want to feel your presence. I want to know you are here with me. I want more of you. I want to know your ways. I want to touch your grace so I can live a life that is pleasing unto you. What is life if I don’t have eternity in view and constantly fight against your will for my life? Hear the cries of my heart and reveal yourself to me. All I long for is to be more like you. I seek for you as the deer pants for water. I yearn to see your face. More than anything else, I want you.

Prayer 2: Living Sacrifice

Fill Me Up by Tasha Cobbs

I humbly come before your throne of grace. I surrender my will to you. I need you to fill me up. I am here to offer myself as a living sacrifice. I need more of your presence. I need you to provide the fire, and I will offer myself a willing sacrifice. I need you to release your Spirit, and I will open up my heart and yield to your Spirit. Take full charge of me and use me for your glory. I need more of your anointing! I need more of your glory! I am so tired of myself! I need more of you!

Prayer 3: Waiting on God

One day by Cochren & Co.

God, I am hurting. I feel broken and alone. I long for when I finally get to see you in heaven. I hold on to the hope that there will be no more pain, sadness, tears, and sorrow in heaven. I need you to comfort me in my hardships. I struggle with anger; please help me deal with it and teach my heart to exercise patience and show more grace. Heal my broken heart. Take away my anxiety and depression, and help me deal with the stressors in my life. I trust you, Lord, with my heart. Teach my heart to hope in you. Always remind me of your unending and unconditional love so I can show this same love to those around me. I believe that after the nighttime’s darkness comes the morning’s sunlight. Teach my heart and mind to wait patiently and sleep peacefully till my morning comes.

Prayer 4: Give Him Praise

Because of who you are by Vicki Yohe

I praise your holy name because of who you are. You are the creator of the Universe, the Alpha and the Omega, my God, the King of kings, Lord of lords, my provider, my prince of peace, the sovereign one, the one who reigns in victory, and the King of my heart. I worship, cherish, and adore your name because of who you are. Thank you for your grace, mercy, love, and sacrifice. I don’t deserve anything you have done for me, but still, you chose to give them to me anyways. I am here to confess any pride in my life, the lust of the eyes, and the lust of the flesh. If I am being honest, I have not been as faithful as you did like me to be. There are still things that my flesh yearns for that are not pleasing to you. I lay them at your feet and declare that I desire you above them all. I admit my faults and times when I had compromised and tried to negotiate the conditions of my temptations, but I proclaim now that you alone are what I want above everything else that this world has to offer.

Prayer 5: Here as I am

You got this by Love & The outcome

I struggle with self-doubt and feeling inadequate. I am confused by everything that is happening in my life right now. I don’t understand why nothing seems to be working out. Anxiety and depression are slowly creeping in. I know I sound ridiculous when I don’t trust that the creator of the universe is in control of my situation. I want to trust you and hold on to your promises. Help my unbelief and teach me to trust that you have it all under control. I can count on you; show me you’ve got this. 

Prayer 6: Praying in the Holy Ghost

Spirit Chant by Victoria Orenze

Holy Spirit, I can feel your presence. Teach me how to pray! (Pray in the Holy Spirit! Pray in tongues if you can! Ask for the gift of speaking in tongues if you don’t already possess it! Pray in the Holy Ghost!)

Closing Prayers

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:6
  • Closing Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for answers to all my prayers. I trust you will answer them according to your will for my life. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
  • Salvation Prayer (say this prayer of confession if you desire to dedicate your life to God and trust Him to be Lord over your life): Lord Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner in need of a savior. I am sorry for living my life following the will of my flesh and my sinful nature. I renounce my covenant and longing for a glorified sinful lifestyle. I proclaim that all my heart desires are the things of God. My Lord and my God, I want to do your will. Forgive me for every time I have tried to initiate or impose my will as your will for my life. Come into my life afresh and make me whole again. I believe you, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, died on the cross, bore my sins, and rose again that I might become the righteousness of God. I accept this invitation to become a child of God. Precious Holy Spirit, come into my life and guide me in all truth. Teach me the ways of the Father as I study scripture. My good God and Heavenly Father, show me where you are already at work in my life and give me a willing and obedient heart to join you in fulfilling your will at your timing, walking in your way at your command, and abiding in a continual fellowship with you. So help me, God. Amen.
  • Declaration: I am a child of God. I am on fire for God. I am unstoppable. I am unquenchable. I am who God says I am. I have been sanctified to be a vessel unto honor. He that is in me is greater than he that is in the world. Christ in me, the hope of glory. Hallelujah!


“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you.”

2 Corinthians 13:14

We have come to the end of this intentional personal prayer time session. I sincerely hope you were able to connect with God. As a reminder, do look into participating in communal prayer sessions at your local assembly as well. If you don’t already belong to a body of Christ, please look into finding a bible teaching church and become an active member. This will help you grow your faith as encouraged in Hebrews 10:25 (AMP), “not forsaking our meeting together [as believers for worship and instruction], as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more [faithfully] as you see the day [of Christ’s return] approaching.”

If this post has blessed you, do us a favor and share it with as many people as possible. If you are a fan, show some love by following our social media accounts.

Till next time, Shalom!


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