Love in Action: Reflecting on the Nativity Story

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Welcome back to our four weeks Advent journey, where each week brings us closer to the heart of Christmas. If you’ve missed our previous discussions, don’t worry—every week stands on its own. In week one, we explored understanding Advent as a season of waiting and preparation. In week two, we unravel the layers of hope, drawing inspiration from the timeless story of Christmas and finding practical ways to cultivate hope in our daily lives. For this week, we delve into the captivating theme of love as we reflect on the timeless Nativity story.

Love Exemplified in the Christmas Story

Amidst the festive hustle and bustle, as the world decks itself with twinkling lights and holiday cheer, the Nativity story stands as an enduring invitation to delve into a narrative that transcends the mere recounting of historical details. It beckons us to peer beyond the pages of a dusty book and witness the living, breathing testament to a love that has echoed through the ages—an extraordinary love made manifest through the supernatural birth of Jesus. This narrative unfolds not in the halls of power or amidst opulence, but in the humble town of Bethlehem, through the lives of ordinary individuals— the virgin Mary and her carpenter husband Joseph, the lowly manger shepherds and the wise men from the east.

Mary, chosen to bear the Savior, and Joseph, called to stand by her side, exemplify a love that requires profound trust in the face of uncertainty (Matthew 1:18-25). As the divine narrative unfolds, we witness a love that chooses the most unexpected messengers—the shepherds tending their flocks in the quiet fields. In their simplicity and humility, they become recipients of a heavenly proclamation—a birth announcement not to the mighty rulers but to those often marginalized (Luke 2:8-20). This act speaks volumes about God’s inclusive love, extending beyond societal norms to embrace all, reminding us that the Savior’s birth is a celebration for everyone, regardless of social standing. The wise men, too, are drawn into this divine drama, journeying from distant lands guided by Christ’s star (Matthew 2:1-10). Their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh symbolizes not just material homage but an acknowledgment of the love that has entered the world (Matthew 2: 11).


The Nativity story, then, becomes a masterpiece of love—a story in which God’s purposed love is unveiled through the supernatural birth of Jesus. It’s a love that surpasses human comprehension, reaching into the hearts of ordinary individuals and beckoning them to be part of a narrative that transforms the course of history. As we go about our week, let’s carry this revelation of love in our hearts. The Nativity story is not an isolated incident but the initiation of a cosmic narrative that culminates in the sacrificial death and victorious resurrection of Jesus. Christmas is the prelude to Easter—a reminder that God’s love doesn’t stop at the manger but extends to the cross and beyond. As we go through our days, let’s embody this love by sharing the story of Jesus. Christmas provides a unique opportunity to articulate the profound significance of Christ’s birth. Whether in conversations with friends, family, or colleagues, we have the privilege of being ambassadors of God’s love. Furthermore, let’s not limit our reflection to words alone but manifest God’s love through tangible actions. Acts of love—kindness, generosity, and compassion—become our response to the extravagant love lavished upon us. In reaching out to others, we mirror the selfless love that defines the Christmas story.

Closing Prayer

Salvation Prayer (say this prayer of confession if you desire to dedicate your life to God and trust Him to be Lord over your life): Lord Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner in need of a savior. I am sorry for living my life following the will of my flesh and my sinful nature. I renounce my covenant and longing for a glorified sinful lifestyle. I proclaim that all my heart desires are the things of God. My Lord and my God, I want to do your will. Forgive me for every time I have tried to initiate or impose my will as your will for my life. Come into my life afresh and make me whole again. I believe you, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, died on the cross, bore my sins, and rose again that I might become the righteousness of God. I accept this invitation to become a child of God. Holy Spirit, come into my life and guide me in all truth. Teach me the ways of the Father as I study scripture. My good God and Heavenly Father, show me where you are already at work in my life and give me a willing and obedient heart to join you in fulfilling your will at your timing, walking in your way at your command, and abiding in a continual fellowship with you. So help me, God. Amen

“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you.”

2 Corinthians 13:14 (NIV)

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Till next time, Shalom!


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