Awakening Faith: Rising Strong in Christ’s Resilience

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As the calendar turns its pages to a new year, the air is filled with aspirations and resolutions. It’s the season when many of us meticulously craft our New Year’s resolutions and fervently pen down prayer points, seeking divine intervention for the year ahead. We hope for breakthroughs, blessings, and the fulfillment of dreams, fervently trusting God to align our paths with His divine plan. Yet, amid our hopeful declarations, we often encounter challenges that test the very essence of our faith. These obstacles can sometimes cloak themselves as setbacks, disappointments, or unexpected turns. In these moments, we may question the purpose of the trials that stand before us. For some of us, this sounds like a bad omen. For others, we are already feeling the weight of the challenge pressing upon us. Yet, it’s essential to recognize that blessings often wear the guise of challenges. This blog post aims to delve into the heart of how, amidst the trials of this new year, we can keep rising strong as we lean into Christ’s resilience. How we can press forward, unwavering in our faith, and trust that even in the face of challenges, God’s plan for our lives remains steadfast?

Awakening Faith

In the journey of awakening faith, it’s crucial to acknowledge that this awakening often follows a period of trials and challenges. For many, 2023 proved to be a tough year. Some navigated it just fine, while others felt utterly crushed, leaving them with little to no hope for 2024. If you’re reading this and find yourself feeling hopeless, I want to take this opportunity to encourage you that better days are ahead. As the Psalmist proclaimed in Psalm 30:5, “weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” While I can’t guarantee an immediate change, I am convinced that, in time, things always get better. I don’t know the exact situation you are facing, and I can only imagine the weight of what you are enduring right now. Yet, I’m here to remind you that there is a God who sees you, knows you, and desires to be known by you. Your continued existence is proof that God isn’t done with you yet, regardless of how cliché that may sound. Jeremiah 29:11 declares, “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'” God’s good plans for your life align with His desire to give you hope and a future. All He asks is to be known by you and for you to walk in the light of who He has created you to be. So, dear reader, embrace this new beginning. Allow the dawn of 2024 to usher in a renewed sense of purpose.

As you awaken, the journey doesn’t end; it continues with a resilient spirit. Hebrews 12:1-2 says, “Therefore since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him, he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Drawing inspiration from Hebrews 12:1, we find reassurance in the reality that we are not alone. This cloud of witnesses includes the heroes of faith who conquered challenges similar to those you currently face. Then there is a directive call to release the weights of the past and present that hinder progress. Many falter in their journey because they struggle to let go of sins preventing them from aligning with God’s will. It’s crucial to identify and shed those entanglements that might hinder your relationship with God in this new year. Consider the race set before you, one that necessitates perseverance. The path to running with endurance begins by bidding farewell to old habits obstructing progress. Reflect on any idols hindering your spiritual journey, and honestly free yourself from these entanglements. By doing so, you align yourself with the race marked out for you, allowing room for spiritual growth and progress in the will of God. Hebrews 12:2 underscores the significance of navigating the will of God for your life with an unwavering trust in Christ. By focusing on Jesus, you can draw inspiration from His example, understanding that He is both the trailblazer who pioneered the path and the perfecter of faith who brings our journey to fulfillment.


As you navigate 2024, may your faith be unwavering, your spirit resilient, and your trust in God’s plan unshakable. May you recognize that challenges are not roadblocks but stepping stones to divine opportunities. In moments of difficulty, I pray that you will stand firm on God’s promises. May this year be a testament to the strength found in faith, the resilience cultivated through challenges, and the unwavering trust in the God who orchestrates our journeys through life. May you rise strong, facing challenges with a renewed spirit and embracing the divine opportunities that await. May your 2024 be filled with answered prayers and the manifestation of God’s promises in your life. Never forget this, you are not alone; God is with you every step of the way.

Closing Prayer

Salvation Prayer (say this prayer of confession if you desire to dedicate your life to God and trust Him to be Lord over your life): Lord Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner in need of a savior. I am sorry for living my life following the will of my flesh and my sinful nature. I renounce my covenant and longing for a glorified sinful lifestyle. I proclaim that all my heart desires are the things of God. My Lord and my God, I want to do your will. Forgive me for every time I have tried to initiate or impose my will as your will for my life. Come into my life afresh and make me whole again. I believe you, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, died on the cross, bore my sins, and rose again that I might become the righteousness of God. I accept this invitation to become a child of God. Holy Spirit, come into my life and guide me in all truth. Teach me the ways of the Father as I study scripture. My good God and Heavenly Father, show me where you are already at work in my life and give me a willing and obedient heart to join you in fulfilling your will at your timing, walking in your way at your command, and abiding in a continual fellowship with you. So help me, God. Amen

“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you.”

2 Corinthians 13:14 (NIV)

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Till next time, Shalom!


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