Waiting and Dating By Myles Monroe

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It’s amazing how Waiting and Dating by Myles Munroe has stood the test of time. It offers practical and spiritual wisdom on relationships, love, and purpose. The author did an excellent job explaining the importance of intentionality in dating. In the book, he also emphasized patience, self-awareness, and aligning our values with God’s will before entering into serious relationships. This book is more than a guide. It is a call to embrace faith and purpose in every stage of your love life, making it a timeless read for anyone seeking a grounded approach to love.

In this review, I’ll share from the book some of the most powerful lessons as key takeaways and a few reflection-worthy questions that Myles Munroe poses to his readers. Consider this post as a helpful resource you can turn to, even without the book in hand. But with the book in view, it can guide you into a deeper study of the book.

Biggest Takeaways from Waiting and Dating

Few couples going into marriage fully realize how much marriage will change their lives; how much of a demand it will place on their time and energy and money.

Myles Munroe

I will be sharing my six biggest takeaways from each chapter.

  1. Preparing to Date: you are truly ready to date when it is more like a choice to you than a necessity. You are already whole as a single person. Dating and marriage should not be your ticket to becoming a whole person. It is the habits and attitude you have established in your single and dating life that will carry on to your married life. As a single person, you need to understand the purpose of dating before getting into it. Your dating life is a continuation of your single life but with someone else in the picture. If you want to live a godly life, you should already be living that life as a single person. Likewise, if you want a kingdom marriage, don’t be unequally yoked.
  2. The Purpose of Dating: the true purpose of dating is to build genuine friendship. True friendship involves intimacy, knowing a person in the deepest and highest level. It is the highest form of selflessness. As mentioned in the book, “The best way to make a friend is by being a friend. True friendship, like true love, always focuses on the other instead of the self.” Thus, true friendship is hard work.
  3. Myths about Finding a Partner: a common myth is that God has one special person for you. There are many suitable people around the world that you can marry. Understanding this will help you deal with attraction to other people before and after marriage. Attraction is a natural, normal, and inevitable experience. Just don’t abuse it. God does not choose your spouse. It is your choice to either accept or reject a potential partner. When choosing a partner, don’t use worldly standard: physical appearance, social status, intellectual ability, and financial means. Choosing a partner is about getting to know people and evaluating them based on the quality standards you have already established. Out of all the people you know that meet your standard, you choose the person with whom you wish to spend the rest of your life.
  4. Discerning the Right Person for You: to discern correctly, you need to date correctly. Righteous dating, as described in waiting and dating, is a relationship that aligns with God and his holy standard. To achieve this, you should get to know a person’s spirit, soul, and body in that order. Intimacy does not start with physical connection because that is the weakest form of intimacy. Intimacy should start on the spiritual level, getting to know each other’s dealings with God. The second level of intimacy is the soul connection, which includes intellectual, personal, and physical goal alignments. Physical oneness is the third form of intimacy. In the kingdom, the deepest form of physical intimacy, sex, is preserved for marriage.
  5. Preparing for Marriage: the author talked about engagement as the preparation for marriage. So technically and biblically, you are in the first stage of marriage when you are engaged. This is the time for everything married life except, listen carefully, engaging in sexual sin of any kind. Sex is still until after marriage. Engagement is where you iron out everything that needs to be addressed that is not already discussed.
  6. Redeeming the Time during Engagement: Engagement is where a couple lay the solid spiritual foundation for their marriage. They need to be united in everything they plan to do after marriage, starting with an agreement on one church as their place of worship. Especially when it comes to spiritual matters, they must be in sync. Additionally, the couple must be of one mind and one soul on matters such as finances, education, parenting, and anything else that is important to both of them. As stated in the book, oneness is the glue that holds a relationship.

Questions from Waiting and Dating

Marrying in the will of God carries no inner turmoil or uncertainty because it frees us to concentrate on Christ and His work without distraction.

Myles Munroe
  • In the book, waiting and dating, the author asked this question: “are you concerned about finding the ‘right person’?” What are some valid reason in your life that is making you worried about finding the right person for you? How is God calling you to surrender this concern to him? What have you learned from the book and the bible regarding this issue?
  • The author mentioned the purpose of dating throughout the book. Do you feel like you now understand the biblical purpose of dating? How has this informed how you approach your dating life?
  • While talking about how to discern the right person, Myles Munroe asked some interesting questions that are worth reflection. Is there a common commitment to the Kingdom of God? Are we both actively involved in a local fellowship of believers? If we attend different churches, have we agreed on one that we will attend together? Are we of one mind concerning career and professional goals? Are we in agreement concerning if and when we want to have children? Have we shared our personal hopes and dreams with each other so that there will be no surprises later on and so we can be committed together to their fulfillment? Do we pray together regularly, even in public, such as in restaurants before meals?


In conclusion, Waiting and Dating by Myles Munroe is a powerful tool for anyone seeking to navigate the complexities of relationships with clarity and purpose. Whether you’re in a season of waiting or seeking a deeper understanding of love and commitment, this book offers profound guidance for personal growth and relational success. We highly recommend you get the book and read it if you haven’t done so already. It is a great read for anyone seeking to unlock the secrets of a purposeful and fulfilling life, especially in the realm of relationships. Whether you’re a first-time reader or revisiting its pages, Waiting and Dating promises to enrich your journey with wisdom that lasts a lifetime.

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Till next time!


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